
Whatever the name, be it a Pull Request, Merge Request, or Code Review. There are rules and SOPs that all teams must follow. Not only to make the development process smoother but to maintain code quality too.

To support and ensure that the Code Review process is carried out as well and as simply as possible (streamlined process), standardization is needed starting from branch naming, and the push commits process until updates can finally be merged and deployed to the server (staging or production).

Branch Naming

The branch name must include the issue/task ID at the front. So a branch can represent what issue/task the developer is working on.

example: ATOP-12-fix-issue-with-disbursement or MG-43-method-to-capture-create-request

Branch(es) included in Merge/Pull Request may not be reused to continue work or fix bugs on the staging/production server.

Handling Bug Card

Handling the bug card is by “creating a new branch” from the develop branch. If necessary, developers can compare (compare) the new branch with the old branch which is suspected to have a bug or is affected by the merge process (regression).

Branches for bug fixes must also include a bug card ID in the task management tool.

Commit Message

The commit messages used by the team would be better if the team adapts Conventional Commits 1.0.0, where a commit message will have a structure like the one below.

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]


Must be one of the following: